Important Submitters' Information
You can submit multiple submissions under your name. Each submission will receive a unique Submission ID number that you will need to edit or delete the submision up until the submission deadlone. Please store each Submission ID number safely.
Note: The deadline for submissions is April 13, 2025.
- If you have a Submission ID and wish to edit your entry:
- If you wish to submit a new entry:
Submit NEW Entry
Your submission abstract including items such as tables or charts, has to be uploaded as a PDF to appear for reviewers and in the final program. Upload link is available on the entry form.
Forgot your Submission ID ?
Submit the email address used in the submission(s) and the server will email all submission ID numbers on file for that email address.
NOTE: Look-up emails should come back immediately. Make sure mail from is not blocked by spam filters.
Questions ?
For technical assistance with the submission form, contact the webmaster. (Unfortunately, the webmaster will be unable to answer questions about the status of submissions.)